I love your transparency as always. Great blog post! I can't wait to see what the next 12 to 18 months of experimenting and tinkering brings. I'm sure you'll build something amazing!

Happy to lend any help along the way if you need it. You're always welcome to reach out :)

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Hey KP! This is really exciting times. Personally, I’m on a similar journey: I left my previous employer end of May, and have spent the past 2 weeks doing some much needed introspection. I have a Miro board full of notes on my strengths, experiences and things I want/don’t want. I’ve been doing all of this “behind closed doors”, worries about how this might look like to others - but am feeling really empowered by your openness, and am particularly curious about how you’re planning on is eating, prioritizing and testing that portfolio of small bets! Really excited about your next steps - and always happy to brainstorm/ideate or problem solve if you’d like :)

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