Here are 7 plug-and-play formats for your Twitter or Linkedin posts 💎
Don't re-invent the wheel, just take advantage of formats that work really well
Thanks to this week’s featured sponsor: Waitroom
Waitroom is on a mission to reshape meetings as we know them with innovative features like a queue & timer system ⏲️, AI assistant 🤖, off-camera viewers 👀 and many more novel features. I recently hunted them on Product Hunt and they landed 350+ new sign ups, 460+ upvotes, a top 3 Product Of The Day badge and generated quite a lot of buzz across Twitter and Linkedin.
I am often in the hunt for new ways to tell my story and build whatever I’m working on in public.
I know a “work-in-progress” screenshot of your product/MVP works great to captivate people on Twitter or Linkedin.
But what are some other formats or styles you can be inspired from?
Well, here are some hand-picked format examples to spark your imagination:
1. Before and After 🔂
2. Then vs Now ⏮️
3. Recap/milestone alert 🚨
4. Funny story/back story 😄
5. Curious/crazy decisions you took 🤯
6. Sneak peaks 👀
7. Small wins 🏆
These are few formats that come to mind. Hope they were valuable!
Additionally, if you are looking for 12 more templates to shape your tweets around, try the list here.
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Let me know if you have any questions :)
Shoutouts and Sponsors
#1. Workbounce
Workbounce is a startup working on pairing your company's knowledge repositories (think Notion, Docs, Q&A in Slack, call recording transcripts) with the raw power of the new LLMs. Think AI coworker that can access the information spread across your entire stack, replies immediately and won't steal your favourite mug. Check out what they're building and sign up to the wait list here.
#2. NEXT
Excited to share that a friend of mine from On Deck, Anthony Nardini, has launched a new community for startup job-seekers! NEXT brings together entrepreneurial mid-career and exec-level people who are intentionally thinking about what they want in their next chapters. Great speakers and workshops, and a collaborative search experience supported by peers. Mention KP in your application for an expedited review. Apply here today.
#3. Paralect
Paralect is a venture studio built to design, build and launch a product for you that is ready to sell in under 2 months. Start with no-code or go full-stack right away. Check it out here.
How can I help you?
No pressure but whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:
Schedule a quick 1:1 advisory/consulting session with me on to get specific tactical and personalized guidance on your product’s go-to-market strategy, Product Hunt launch planning and how to fall in love with build in public.
If you have a business you want to promote to my ~7,000 email and ~43,800 Twitter audience feel free to reply to this email or DM me on Twitter.
And that’s a wrap for now! 🌯
Thank you for giving your attention and checking this edition out 🙏
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