The Three Things For Curious Minds v3
Hi there curious minds,
Hope you’ve had a great week. I’m continuing the new custom of sending a Saturday newsletter shaped by things I am curious about each week. This is growing into a little club where I share my long-form thoughts that don’t make it to my tweets. We’re so close to 100 subscribers (went up from 80 to 97 after last edition). My goal is to distill my discoveries and share them in a simple format of Three Things each week: an essay excerpt, a tweet, and a product that piqued my interest. Without further ado, let’s get going.
"I left Airbnb a year ago and I gave myself 6 months to figure out what I wanted to do. On a macro level, my strategy was simple: spend more time on things that give me energy and less time on things that don’t.
I quickly figured out that I really enjoyed writing, something that quite frankly I never did before, nor expected to want to do.
I thought I was going to start a company.
This time off helped me realize that I actually don’t want to start a company yet, or become VC, or write a book (all things people kept suggesting I do).
It’s actually been really helpful to recognize the things I don’t want to do, I call them my anti-Goals.
In tandem with discovering my pull for writing, I found that I thoroughly enjoyed angel investing as well. So I’m trying to craft my life to revolve around my newsletter (for income), angel investing (for upside), and advising companies here and there (to stay grounded in real problems."
Source: Lenny Rachitsky from The Proof Wellness
Take all the energy you spend on...
-worrying about the past
-worrying about the future
-worrying about the news
-worrying about what others think
-worrying about if you might fail
... and channel that energy into one useful micro-action within your control.
Then repeat.
Source: James Clear
Chalk: Instant, secure voice rooms
Why should you care?
It is emerging to be a competitor to Clubhouse, the buzziest audio app of 2020.
While Clubhouse is very picky on who gets the invites and is currently still limited to selective members of Tech Twitter, Chalk is opening their access a bit broadly. The features feel similar — with options to join an audio room and just listen or request to speak etc.
That’s all for this week, folks! Thanks for reading. If you like this edition, please consider sharing on Twitter.