An excuse to publish a new blog post 😉
Hey folks,
Long time no see, I know. Hope you are well! 💪🏽
The last time you heard from me, I just accepted the incredible job offer as a Program Director at On Deck to launch and run the No-Code Fellowship.
Safe to say, I’ve been super busy leading the charge of my fellowship at the rocketship called On Deck. We’ve had an unbelievable 1st cohort with over 120 fellows and we’re half way through.
I’ll share more of my lessons, stories and reflections in a longer post.
But today, I wanted to drop by and say a quick hello and thank you for subscribing to my newsletter. Just learned that I am at 428 subscribers which blows my mind. I remember the day I started this and I had less than 20 people. I owe you all great stories and insights which I am hoping to publish as I get back to long-form writing again this year.
For now, if you have a moment to spare, I want to highlight and celebrate my friends Sharath and Curtis who recently launched their social proof product: Shoutout.
I’ve witnessed Shoutout’s story from day 1 (since Sharath called me 15 minutes after he had the idea), and it gave me so much joy watching his hustle and build a no-code MVP first using a tool called Bubble. He later built a tiny community on Twitter by building in public which is now blowing up.
Today, I hunted them publicly on Product Hunt. Currently, they are on the home page and getting a lot of love. Would love for you to go check it out and support them too.
Here’s the link:
Until next time,